Key binding control hotkeys that InstructBot responds to. Some binding are only active when certain activities within InstructBot are being performed.
There are a number of key bindings used by InstructBot.
To configure a key binding you can double click upon the row.
For a key binding to be considered you must toggle it on:
You must also assign it a key combination, for example in the below F12 has been assigned.
When that key is pressed InstructBot will then perform the required action.
The absolute mouse configuration key bindings are used with the input command and selecting an absolute mouse movement. For more information on absolute mouse move action see here.
Note: These key bindings are only active when the absolute mouse configuration window is open.
There are three shortcuts for connection commands, they can be used to start, stop or pause InstructBot.
The relative mouse configuration key bindings are used when configuring an application so that the relative mouse position action of an input command is accurate. For more information on configuring your relative mouse position see here or on the input command relative mouse movement action here.
Note: These key bindings are only active when the relative mouse configuration window is open.